Access All Communications

Communication and Press Relations Consulting: In the field of communication, what differentiates us is our team’s media acumen provided by the knowledge acquired through more than 20 years of experience managing national media platforms which include: written press, television, internet and radio.

Access All Business

Business development: We offer advising services for the development of projects and businesses which include research and planning, customer service, writing proposals, project management and registration of brands and companies, among others.

Access All Brand

Marketing: It is important to perform accurate studies and establish efficient market segmentation before planning and implementing successful campaigns, especially if you want to get the most out of the new digital platforms. We provide services that can make a big difference for your organization or business.

Access All Learning

Training: Our training services are a unique product designed by our specialists and protected by copyright to ensure maximum satisfaction of our customers. The elaboration is adapted to the specific peculiarities of the organizations to which the services are offered, according to the audiences to which it is planned to impact.

News Alert Services

News Alert Services (NAS) is an exclusive news monitoring system custom-designed by a team of experienced journalists that presents information in a simple, streamlined format perfect for saving time while keeping up with the news.

Our clients

Who we are

What we do? Access All Services (AAS), LLC is a company that provides professional solutions through advice and training to design strategies for: communication, marketing and business development.

What makes us different?

1. Extensive experience: The vast experience of our team in the fields of communication, marketing and business development, which allows us to combine them strategically. The seriousness, professionalism and high reputation of our specialists, including university professors.

2. Media Intelligence: the media intelligence from our team of specialists differentiate from others, because of the knowledge that give more than 20 years of experience within the national platforms of written press, television, internet and radio, even at managerial level in the media.

Contact Information

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You may also call us at: (787) 615-2876 or email us at:
[email protected]

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